The Spring has been busy thus far. In addition to my ongoing IRDL research project, which explores how students value the threshold concepts outlined in the new ACRL Framework, I’ve been working on a number of collaborative projects.

#DitchtheSurvey: Expanding Methodological Diversity in LIS Research

My IRDL colleagues Rebecca Halpern, Chris Eaker, Daina Bouquin and myself recently published an article for In the Library With the Lead Pipe on the importance of learning and utilizing a diverse range of research techniques. In brief:

Recent content analyses of LIS literature show that, by far, the most popular data collection method employed by librarians and library researchers is the survey. The authors of this article, all participants in the 2014 Institute for Research Design in Librarianship, recognize that there are sound reasons for using a survey. However, like any one method, its very nature limits the types of questions we can ask. Our profession’s excessive reliance on the survey likewise imposes excessive limitations on what we can know about our field and our users. This article summarizes recent studies of the methods most common to LIS studies, explores more deeply the benefits of using non-survey methods, and offers recommendations for future researchers. In short, this article is a call to arms: it is time to ditch the survey as our primary research method and think outside the checkbox. It is time to fully embrace evidence-based library and information practice and promote training in diverse research techniques.

Keep it Green: Leading Sustainable and Successful Online Teams

Working with a spectacular group of colleagues that I’ve had the pleasure to serve alongside in various committees over the past few years, Carrie Moran, Heidi Steiner Burkhardt, Beth Filar Williams, and I presented at the 2015 ACRL Conference last month. Abstract:

Virtual work is often the more environmentally sustainable choice and requires sustainable practices! Learn about the main challenges in leading online teams, strategies for organization and coordination, and online tools useful for collaboration. This panel discussion will feature four librarians who have led and participated in online teams for ACRL, ALA, various state/local committees, and within their own institutions. You will leave this session prepared to join or lead a successful online team.

ACRL Battledecks 2015: Creating Sustainable Agony

While I was not the person making this presentation, after months of planning it in collaboration with Nicole Pagowsky and Josh Petrusa as part of the ACRL Innovations Committee, I am certainly proud of how it turned out. I will have the video posted soon but, in the meantime, please enjoy the slide deck.